MS Knights News - February 9, 2018

Congratulations MS Teachers - Update
Sarah Schutrum's (5th grade Math) name was inadvertently left off of the list of teachers receiving statewide recognition for their EVAAS growth in Math or Reading.  While Science was not included in that initiative, we would like to recognize our 8th grade Science teachers, Diane Jackson and Connie Stone, who exceeded growth with a 98% proficiency rate.

Coffee Chat Principal's Coffee Chat
All parents are invited to the Principal's Coffee Chat next Tuesday, February 13. Please join Dr. Graham and Mr. Bauer in the community room at 6:00pm. Please note the time change for this month only. We hope this evening time gives all of our families an opportunity to come ask questions and hear updates of school happenings!

Flexible Seating Pilot Program
“Flexible seating is a choice provided to students that allows them to work around the room comfortably and focused. It provides students the environment they need to be their best.” Teach to Love

LNC has begun an exciting pilot program for alternate seating in the classroom. Several teachers throughout the building have been selected to participate in the pilot and to experiment with different types of desks and chairs. With these new seating arrangements, students might have the opportunity to be able to work alone or as a group, remain stationary, sit, stand, wiggle and spin! Of course, all of this will be happening in a manner that will encourage students do their best work.

For more information about flexible seating, please click here.

Knights of Honor
Congratulations to the MS Knights of Honor for February! These students have been selected by their teachers for displaying good character, exceptional effort, a positive attitude, and performing acts of service. Pictured with Dr. Graham, back row, l-r: Jamison Painter, Robert Montgomery, Max Schwanz. Middle row, l-r: Mary Lee Primm, Cameron Caspari,  Rebekah Smith. Front row, l-r: Avery Reichert, Olivia Garcia, Caitlin Albury, Jason Pasewaldt, Isiah Hart







LNC Honor Roll
Congratulations to the students on the LNCharter honor roll for the second quarter, 2017-2018 school year. Click here to view the honor roll list. 

Thank You PTO and Parents!

The MS faculty and staff thanks all of our families for the wonderful February Staff Appreciation Luncheon last Friday. We are so grateful for our PTO arranging this lunch and our parent's involvement to make this happen! 

This Week in Pictures
See what students, teachers and parents are doing on campus this week!