Middle School to High School Transition

  • A student’s first year of high school is considered to be one of the most crucial of their school career. It is a pivotal year and a good predictor of a student’s high school success. For this reason, we carefully guide our students' transition from 8th to 9th grade. Below are some of the actions we take with our 8th graders to prepare for a successful transition.

    • At our annual Rising Freshmen Course Selection Night, many important topics are shared with our rising 9th graders and their parents, including guidance on course selection for 9th grade and general information about LNC HS. 

    • Each year our 8th grade students complete a career interest survey, which helps identify areas of possible career interests and helpful classes to consider ahead in high school.

    • Throughout the year, the grade-level counselor visits with 8th grade students to explain the importance of doing one’s best in 8th grade as the students' 8th grade performance and work habits will help guide their 9th grade course choices and success. Some 8th grade students are also taking high school level courses such as Math 1, French 1 or Spanish 1, which will be on the students' official high school transcript.

    • Our 8th grade students are encouraged to take the PSAT 8/9 test. The test results can inform course decisions for 9th grade. The PSAT 8/9 also helps identify areas of strength and weakness and provides important practice for the SAT.

    • In the second semester, the HS counselors and members of the HS Student Council visit to speak and hold a Q+A session with 8th grade students to discuss the different classes offered at the high school and give a better idea of what to expect in high school. In addition, Superintendent Stein spends an entire class period with the students to explain further what to expect as they transition to HS, including transcripts, daily schedules, and club opportunities, and to answer any questions they have.